Gum Disease = Rheumatoid Arthritis
It is almost impossible to determine who will develop Rheumatoid arthritis. There seems to be no pattern to who gets it and who doesn’t. This frustrates healthcare providers because the earlier Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed the easier it is to treat.
Medical researchers have spent years trying to determine how to predict who is at risk for developing Rheumatoid arthritis, but haven’t had much success until now. We will take a look at a recently published medical study that may prove promising in helping to lead to the early detection of Rheumatoid arthritis.
Taking a Closer Look at the Medical Study
The medical study, which was published by the European League Against Rheumatism, was able to detect that people who developed Rheumatoid arthritis tended to have moderate to severe gum disease. Researchers taking part in the study wanted to see if there was any connection between the two.
Once the study was completed, researchers were able to determine that people who developed Rheumatoid arthritis experienced severe gum disease in the years leading up to their diagnosis. This suggests that the antibodies which cause Rheumatoid arthritis and lead to joint damage actually came from somewhere else in the body. In this case, gum disease.
How Does This Medical Study Help People?
The medical study that was published is the first of its kind and further studies are needed to come up with a more accurate picture of the connection between gum disease and Rheumatoid arthritis. However, the fact that the study showed a connection provides hope for the future.
Healthcare professionals are hopeful that if the study’s findings prove to be accurate there could be a way to prevent Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can be prevented by scheduling regular visits to the dentist to properly treat any gum disease.
For patients, the study’s findings give people the opportunity to determine if they are at risk of developing Rheumatoid arthritis. People who have moderate to severe cases of gum disease may want to work closely with a healthcare professional to monitor for Rheumatoid arthritis.
Future medical research will help healthcare professionals and patients develop a better understanding of the connection between Rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease.
Learn the Symptoms of Gum Disease
Gum disease is extremely easy to treat when it is caught in the early stages. It is important to learn the early symptoms of gum disease so you can get proper treatment for it.
The symptoms of gum disease include:
- Gums that appear bright red in color
- Tender gums that hurt or are sensitive when you brush, floss, or touch them
- Gums that appear swollen or puffy
- Bleeding that occurs when you are eating, brushing, or flossing. Occasional blood may be a sign of improper brushing or flossing, but if bleeding occurs regularly it could be a sign that you have gum disease.
- Small sores that appear on your cheeks, gums, or tongue
- Pus pockets that develop around the gum line
- Bad breath that doesn’t ever seem to go away
- Teeth that appear to be shifting
- Changes to the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth
In the early stages, gum disease may be able to be reversed or treated with a professional tooth cleaning and by making sure your brush and floss regularly. If gum disease advances to a severe case, more intensive treatment is needed.
Treatment for severe cases of gum disease includes a procedure known as scaling and root planing or gum graft surgery. Both of these treatment options are used to treat severe cases of gum disease that cannot be reversed with just a professional cleaning.
If you suspect you are suffering from gum disease, it is important that you seek treatment for it right away. Failure to treat gum disease can lead to a number of severe problems including tooth loss, heart attacks, and even strokes.
Call Artistic Touch Dentistry today to schedule an appointment for a professional examination if you think you may have gum disease. Our Melbourne, Florida dentists will assess your individual case, determine if gum disease is present, and provide you with recommendations for treatment. Call our office today to schedule an appointment.