Teeth Cleaning Chewing Gum Improves Your Oral Health
Chewing gum is a great way to refresh the mouth, keep your mouth busy, and enjoy great flavors without ingesting a ton of calories. However, you may be worried about whether gum can cause problems for your oral health. Well, there’s great news: teeth cleaning chewing gum can actually improve your oral health. Here’s what you need to know about what chewing gum can do for you.
Cleaning Your Teeth With Sugarless Gum
You may have noticed that there are gums advertised as “cavity fighting” on the market today — and they really do work! There’s more, though: You can get those cavity-fighting benefits from any sugar free gum, not just one with that specific label. When you chew any kind of sugar-free gum, it pulls food debris off your teeth. No matter how carefully you may brush, it’s inevitable that some food particles get left behind. Sugar-free gum combines with your saliva to protect your teeth even when it’s hours between brushing.
Promoting Production of Saliva
Saliva is crucial in making your teeth stronger. It infuses your teeth with minerals that help protect and rebuild enamel. It also neutralizes harmful mouth acids before they can start damaging your enamel. When you use teeth cleaning chewing gum, it prompts you to make extra saliva, which is very beneficial for your oral health in general.
The Best Sugar Free Teeth Cleaning Chewing Gum Ingredients: What to Look For
While any sugar-free teeth cleaning chewing gum will yield benefits, there are a few ingredients that really stand out from the rest. The first ingredient to look for is Xylitol. This is a natural sweetener can help you eliminate the bacteria that leads to cavities, according to some clinical studies.
Another ingredient to look for is casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP). This is a gum additive that is also known by the name Recaldent. Look for packs of sugar free teeth cleaning chewing gum with this additive if you’d like to restore your tooth enamel in the most effective way possible. Recaldent is also known for its ability to make tooth enamel harder, which is a powerful way to help guard against tooth decay.
Combining Teeth Cleaning Chewing Gum With Great Teeth Brushing Habits
Although chewing sugar-free teeth cleaning chewing gum regularly can be a great way to help prevent tooth decay, it’s not the only thing you need to do. It’s very important that you keep up with your regular oral care routine at home. Most dentists recommend that you brush two times each day, with brushing periods lasting for an entire two minutes every time. Be sure to use a soft bristle brush, and don’t apply too much pressure. A light touch is all it takes to get bacteria off your teeth.
When you finish brushing, use dental floss to get between each tooth in your mouth. Those small areas in between your teeth are prime hiding spots for bacteria, and a toothbrush isn’t always able to reach them successfully. If you floss regularly, you’re much less likely to bleed because you won’t have any plaque or tartar accumulation in between your teeth. If you find using regular dental floss too time-consuming or frustrating, consider buying individual disposable flossing tools. They’re already pre-portioned with dental floss and some even have a pick at the end to get between teeth where you need it.
Usually, it’s best to brush once in the morning, and then again right before bed. If you chew sugar-free teeth cleaning chewing gum during the day regularly, you can give your teeth the protection they need to repel bacteria and stay strong through the hours that you’re not brushing.
At Artistic Touch Dentistry™ in Melbourne, Florida, Dr. Maryam Brazdo and the entire highly dedicated team are ready to help you achieve great oral health. Services available include fillings, restorations, sealants, dentures, dental implants, tooth extractions, and cosmetic dentistry services. Get in touch today through the online contact form, or call the office at 321-724-1400 to schedule your appointment today.